Product Hunt Launch Day and Exciting Times Ahead

Product Hunt Launch Day and Exciting Times Ahead

Today is launch day for CSV File Splitter on Product Hunt. Product Hunt is a fabulous website which allows developers like ourselves to launch products and engage with the online community. Hopefully getting feedback and improving an already great product. And what are we excited about? Read on to find out more.

CSV File Splitter - Split huge CSV files into multiple sheet spreadsheet. | Product Hunt Embed

Product Hunt Launch Day

You might be wondering why we’re posting about launch day almost a month after CSV File Splitter was published to the Microsoft Store. At this stage we’re very focused on gathering feedback from users and we’re trying to attract further users. Launching the product on Product Hunt should hopefully achieve both goals – feedback and more users. And, if you’re a user of CSV File Splitter and have some feedback for us, why not get in touch at

Exciting Times Ahead

What are we excited about? Since Introducing Sheet Mode only a few days ago we’ve had hundreds of users around the planet downloading the app from the Microsoft Store. On top of that, we’ve been searching high and low across the internet. And we can’t find any other products on the market which do what CSV File Splitter does. Yes, you read that correctly. There isn’t one product on the market which will take a huge CSV file and convert the data into a single Excel spreadsheet containing multiple sheets. And as if that isn’t good enough. Our app allows users to define the column format, meaning no data can be lost during the conversion.


CSV File Splitter always be available to download for free. So why not give it a try and save yourself time on work arounds and alternative solutions which don’t pack as much functionality. And our offer still stands that if you provide feedback we use, we will extend your free trial indefinitely.